Bath’s Air Quality Action Plan

B&NES Council has issued a draft Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) for the years 2024-2029 for consultation.  See here

The AQAP supplements the Bath Clean Air Plan.  Now that nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is below the 40 μg/m3 legal limit throughout Bath, the AQAP has the modest aim:

“… to build on previous action plans and the Clean Air Plan to continue to lower concentrations to below 36 for 3 years to enable the AQMA [Air Quality Management Area] to be revoked.” (paragraph 3.4, page 18).

The AQAP usefully lists the various Council and West of England Combined Authority policies that support this aim.  In relation to transport, the AQAP helpfully gives prominence to the Journey to Net Zero (JNZ) transport plan, which the Alliance fully supports.

The consultation runs until 10 January.

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